
This room is all about streams of consciousness. Participants come into the room and write poetry on napkins. They will attach the napkins onto one of the strings that extend from one side of the wall to another. The strings are hung in a wave shape. So, in the end, there will be “waves” of napkins with poetry written on them exhibited.

Participants can

1) write their incidental thoughts at the moment unprompted;

2) write a response to the various prompts pasted on the front wall.

move us around!


reflects the nature of our thought processes.
We usually let those thoughts pass.
As a result, many potentially powerful ideas are lost.
When we encode our thoughts onto a piece of paper,
the stream of consciousness finds its form.

Materials - Napkins, pens and markers (lots of them!), (invisible) strings, candles, fairy lights. 

designed by Zhi Zhi Chia