Chimera Audio Guide Transcripts

Room 1 // Entrance

Welcome! Take a moment to ground yourself in this space.
Feel your presence here in this exhibition. I'm glad you've arrived, and it's wonderful to meet you.
Who am I? I'm Chimera. Wait, do you mean who am I?
There are multiple answers I could give you, but let's start with this.
I'm your presence. I'm the stories you tell and all of the stories you've ever heard.
I'm the moment in which you step foot onto the floor of this gallery.
But I'm also the absence. I'm the stories you'll never hear.
I'm the moment of defining audience, language, and rules of interaction.
I'm exclusion. I'm an ever-changing entity that transcends national and cultural boundaries.
A third space, if you will.
I travel and throw down my roots in many places, at least in those where my presence is allowed.
Yet, my existence needs no permission.
I'm you in this chair.
An undebatable presence in the exhibition space. I'm the exhibit itself.
Now, take this pen and begin your exploration of presence and absence.
As you start this journey, know that you are seeing a portion of me that is equivalent to, hmm, maybe an eyelash.
The rest of me? You'll need to actively seek it.
And perhaps you never will.
I am the light and the shadow, the body and the mind, the boundary and its absence.
Come meet me.

Script: Polina Zen
Voice: Htet Yuya
Transcription: Mika-Erik Möser
Audio Production: Shawn Lee