

by Napkins Team
Summer 2022 Issue

Dear Reader, 

If a firefly could travel the whole world, the ConQuest* and its artists would be one.

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Minerva’s first literary and arts magazine. The ConQuest aims to bring humanity to the arts at Minerva. For our readers, this magazine is meant to be the firefly that lights the darkness, a spring of creativity, a collection of art to return to whenever it is needed. From all over the world, writing and art pieces, songs and collages, photographs and diary entries, are collected in this magazine like fallen cherry blossoms in a pond.

Did you know that there are more than 2000 known firefly species? Their diversity, in fact, is incredible. Their globality likewise, as the 2000 species, shed their light onto all continents except Antarctica. Thousands of fireflies from the species Photinus Carolinus on the East coast of the US flash in unison to create synchronized ripples of light and dark. Isn‘t it incredible what can be achieved in a community?

The ConQuesters—the artists—that nurture the very arts in this magazine are Minervans. We like to imagine Minervans as clustered bundles of traveling fireflies. Like the fireflies, Minervans spread across 7 countries and counting, and for 8 months a year, synchronize our cultures, languages, beliefs, to form one dynamic community of light. As we travel the world together, we write songs, books, make videos, photographs, found start-ups, volunteer, bike and hike across countries. Minervans are explorers, creators, and a community. There is always a story to be told. The ConQuest shares those stories in a monthly themed magazine. Through arts, it connects cohorts at Minerva.

As each university year comes to an end—be it in Taipei, Hyderabad, Seoul, London, Berlin, Buenos Aires, or San Francisco—each class at Minerva splits up; every student sets off on their own Summer pilgrimage. That is why we decided to theme this inaugural issue of the ConQuest Summer.

Thank you, truly, to every Minervan that contributed to this first issue. Thank you for bringing us on your adventures through word, lens, and pencil; they have been a joy. A special thank you as well to the designers, who have carefully woven each piece into this magazine.  We are beyond excited to launch The ConQuest and to see it grow.

Harness the traveling firefly in you—we are waiting for you in our next issue!

Your ConQuest founders, editors, and friends,
Annabel, Zhi Zhi, Dasha, Stephanie

*When the magazine was founded late Spring of 2022, we decided to name it ConQuest, mainly because we were supposed to be a subset of The Quest, Minerva’s student-produced newspaper.

However, as the magazine developed throughout the summer, we decided to grow independent from The Quest.

We also do not want to be associated with imperialist or colonialist connotations, especially in light of the state of the world. We hope Napkins will grow on you as much as it has grown on us these past weeks!