
Eigengrau - Intrinsic Light

by Sadri Dridi (M25)
Summer 2022 Issue

DARK: Rage, Repugnance

Storms in her eyes,
on her body,
Waves that could drown whales,
You invaded my heart burning my white flags,
In your hands,
thinking I was free,
suffocating under the victory you bragged,
I hated you because you lied to me
Making me believe this trip had no end to meet.
I was not asking you
To save


Hidden between darkness and light,
Saying you are the one I need,
Pretending Immunity will give me what I forever seek
Murdering charm in whatever I see.

Vicious, Jealous, mo no to nous

You stole my morning dreams,
Convincing me
it’s the fault of my
You always repeated,
Life is a perfect imperfection.

Light: Nostalgia

The fleece of illusion,
You had the words to seize happiness
Even in the Vantablack,
You lent me your eyes to unsee the mess.

Lost between Love and Addiction,
I ignore what links us,
Scared that you’re only fiction;
You orchestrated everything like in a circus.